
Showing posts from April, 2024

Change temporary misfortune into success.!

Swimming Dragon share  how to change temporary misfortune into success.     Do not immediately try to fix the mistakes even though your  boss   demand so! Mistake likes to happen when we are tired, not focus enough and do not pay enough  attention  to the  current situation .   Delay working  a the correction.  Take a moment to walk, sip some tea or turn on relaxing music. Get yourself lollipop to compensate the  stress. Only when you're ready start correction. U niverse provides new improve eversion .  Always ! What you do is just listen and follow internal Voice     If you can do something to correct just do, if you don't simply do nothing.  Don't think  too long and seriously  about it . You make a lot of mistakes over your life  span, and you will make many in the future. Go over and go through, enjoy your day.    There's there is no such thing as  mistake,   it's just  choice  which not work wel l!  Success and failure opposites each other, yet they are two sit

Swimming dragon is oriented toward physical health, yet emotional wellness as well.

Swimming dragon is  oriented toward physical health,  as s tretching and massaging yet the techniques stimulate    emotional  wellness as  well. We cannot have a physical well-being  without  emotional balance,  simply it  doesn't work that  way   .  How do you feel when gloomy gray weather  dominate your  day? When has been last time when you stop and enjoy beauty of  little flower on the sides of  boa rdwalk? In the spring people getting easy upset, did you notice that?  Yes, physical  health is important but. .....       Swimming dragon offer more then physical exercise The page I offer present variety of observation, thoughts,  some  photographs,  they follow natural rhythm of the life a ll, are created to better understand and  live life in  agreement  with nature, our stretching, massage, natural breathing  techniques follow to help.    Benefits of union are simple - everyday well being  Stay in touch, access to  Swimming dragon ways and methods will be  available asap, for n

Swimming Dragon changing temporary misfortune into success.

Behind any mistake there is   an opportunity. T y po  has ruined my info meeting yet open another possibility. Instead,   group presentation  I offer personal presentation to meet you and discuss together what Swimming Dragon can do for your  well-being.  Such a meeting will be free of charge, and you can  contact me over Blogger contacts box located on the bottom of the pa g e.   .......... ............................. Andrzej teach and practice oriental healing art of Qigong, Shiatsu Meditation for over 30 years . His mantra says :          healthy body, peaceful mind, energy for happy  life for all