Everything is a mind. And the mind is everything.
Time before times.
At the beginning of time, life was but everlasting happiness, and being happy was so simple. Almost as big as a Sun is, a huge ball of happiness had been always visible in the blue sky. Shining and radiating joy on everyone. All you do you just look at it and internal joy will arise the same way as skin is getting tan when exposed to the Sun.
As we are all complainers, one day somebody said: I went out to joy myself, yet a cloud had overshadowed the sky for whole 3 minutes. Then some other person followed, then some other find another reason to complain. And so, and so.
What they did not know was that ever complain will cause a little scratch in Ball of the Joy. Repeated they would accumulate and cause cracks and gaps. And our complaints were coming and coming.
One day, the Ball has cracked and shattered into billions of tiny little pieces. Now, they are all over the earth, still here for us. Yet since that day, we have put in lots of effort to find and have them in our life.
Good news - it is still possible.
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