Why we are getting older overtime?
Why we are getting older over time?
Is there any way to slow down !
Let's think of our Life energy like money in a bank account. When you were a newborn, your energy bank had no limit; we could do whatever we wanted. Life is simply good. Why doesn't it last indefinitely? There's a trick, you cannot add to this Account. It is Spending Only. Because of that, sooner or later, who is starting to experience the first signs of aging. Let's get back to the concept of Energy as money in the Saving Bank account. We cannot add to the Energy given to us by nature.
Can we open an Energy Checking Account? In this Account, you can add and spend, sparing Life Energy which otherwise will be used for living. The secret is: You do need to know how to reboot life energy and enjoy everyday spending. If you're not wasting your natural Energy and saving it for time to come, you would look and act as if you were many years younger. Your health and well-being will last much longer. Qi Gong could be an answer.
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