
Showing posts from October, 2022

Stretch for good life daily.

Stretch for good life daily. Do you want to set aside a half hour or one hour of your day to stretch, and work on meditation without leaving your workspace office or home?  These activities make you  energize and relax for a day.   For details   e-mail       Andrzej teaches and practice Shiatsu, Meditation, and Qi Gong for more than 30 years. His energy-activating session is a blessing, in  our stressed, overwork life.        


Art of asking silly questions. Do you remember yourself asking daddy "Why" and answering his answer with another: "Why". To survive this avalanche of silly questions, he must genuinely love his child. Time childhood silly questioning is over, but we need to ask many questions in our life. Many times it wasn’t easy to find the answer.  Now I will share with you a secret.  Do not focus on looking for an answer.  Any time you need to find one, focus on how clear your question is. Once your question is clear, answers where will come effortlessly.  Did you ever have such an experience?



Hummingbird makes .........

Hummingbird makes their living flapping their wings with tremendous speed. Hummingbird makes their living flapping their wings with tremendous speed. It cost a lot of energy, then he can only fly a short distance, just enough to sustain his life from one flower to another. Eagles fly high and fast. With a single flap of wings, he can glide through the sky effortlessly. All other birds are small or invisible. He rules the skies. True? Yes.  From an experience of a hummingbird, life is limited, has an end and a beginning, and requests to slap its wings fast to make a living. Eagle is a high flyer. From his perspective, he can see the Earth is round, and notice has neither a beginning nor an end. And yes, the tremendous offer pleasure of flying. Do I fly for a living or live for flying? Given a choice, which option will I take? An unknown number of years ago, a physical universe has come into existence. Out of Life mystery, atoms, particles, and all other elements necessar...

Why we not call on the phone to as often as before.

Covid, lungs, and my moods. Why do we isolate ourselves from others?   That is very difficult for all of us. For a year, Covid makes Life difficult, causing emotional and financial turmoil. In my other blog(..........) I talked about how vital oxygen is for physical health. That is quite simple, oxygen fundamental to our health was to be provided in ample amounts to maintain Life. But will have yet to see another aspect, proving how vital oxygen is for our emotions. Chinese medicine was apparent. Talking is a Basic Communication tool that depends on all oxygen, which means it relies on the strength of the lungs. As with every well-known, Covid attacks the lungs causing collateral damage. Usually, we will think about physical symptoms, but Chinese medicine understands the flow of emotion as a possible effect of diminishing oxygen supply.  Grief is an emotion directly attached to our lungs, and we lost so many people. Being powerful emotion grief remains in the emotional sy...

The Story of the Wandering Cans

Costa Rica,  the Land of Constant Rain.     The Story of the Wandering Cans There were once three cans, just like soda cans, you know them very well. They liked to travel, and enjoy life and each other’s friendship. Together, they hiked through steep, cold mountains and survived dry and hot desert trails. Then they arrived in the Land of Constant Rain. Nothing but a downpour all day.  The first can be said: I’m not going to get wet. So it shut tightly its top and bottom and sealed all holes in its side so there was no way for the water to get in. The second can was different. He thought: it was so dry in the desert. I miss the water; I’ll get as much as possible. So it closed its bottom and sides and opened its top and let the water accumulate within. The third can had another solution. It closed its top and bottom, but made an adjustable opening on the side, like a window to open and close at will. Here they all were, walking through the Land of Constant Rain. ...