
Showing posts from June, 2024

Skip this article if you patient is stronger than your impatient!

Swimming dragon - exercise and improve your patience!          Simple exercise would help  understand and  adjusts flow of emotion  .   ·        Seat in the proper position. Refer to my article for explanation sitting properly if needed. ·         Turn on timer on the telephone adjust timer for 5 min. ·        Have your hands in the praying position, remind in pose for 5 min. Should exercise  becoming too challenging, rest your hands for the moment (have them resting on level of your belly).        Seating in the praying position align whole spine, shoulder and arm, beginners can observe tension in mention areas. Should that happens perform light patting in massaging to remove to tensions. ·        Come back to seating position,  spent few minutes sitting quietly before you start daily activity. Consider your first-time practice as a test, put a note how long you last physically and how you feel emotionally, that will give you chance to observe progress. As you practice you would notic

Teenagers are by definition are not ready to adult life!

  U.S. Surgeon General Vivek  Murthy told ABC News'  Elizabeth Schulze in an  interview on Monday. "We are living in the middle of a youth mental health crisis, and I have said publicly that this is the defining public health challenge of our time.    Teenagers  are by definition not ready for adult life. They lack experience and proper training and that diminishing physical health and emotional /intellectual chances for a successful life .    Our adult lives are determined by competition, rush, and success, they simply don’t have our strength and experience. Their physical and emotional health easily derails on track of depression, anxiety, and drugs.  Who’s and how to supervise strengthening teenagers emotional and  intellectual potential and protect the growing up process in those aspects.  We do have a business training, math, and physics classes. Why not have mind training  classes to practice patience, determination, strength of will…… all elements necessarily necessary