Exercise works better when you understand what you do.
Let’s get back to the memories of our exercise.Exercise works better when you understand what you do.
Doing that we're able to experience two different sets of feeling. One was inward oriented, quieting, sometime little sad and reflective, the other builds up a feeling of strength, activity, a bit of aggression. They are definitely different; just as a day and night. And that leads as to concept of Yin and Yang. This concept still applies to our everyday life and helps better self understanding. It proves that we have both; of them in our personalities. Sometimes we act from a Yin side; sometime we are acting and reacting from our Yang side.
So, the question reminds which choice is right.
That gets to us to another challenge "H|ow would I can know what is the right choice? I'll answer- I as long as your action follow natural emotions flow, every choice is the right.
We will continue, that would be topic of next writing.
Stay tune
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Andrzej,s Qigong embrace all physical, intellectual and emotional
aspects of life .
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