Our emotions affect our body, body action affects our emotion. Simple exercise will give an answer

Our emotions affect our body, 

body action affects our emotion . 

Is that so?

Simple exercise  will give an answer.

Experience is a best teacher, please follow me with a simply exercise.

Just sit in the chair, rest inner sides of your palms on the inner part of a tights, bend your head forward, drop down your shoulders . Spent a five to ten minutes in that position . Just sit. Breathe slowly and quietly and observe your emotions. Stop, if you feel overwhelmed by memories, feelings, thoughts; anything which will surface. Rest for few minutes, and once ready start the other part of our practice. This time sit upright, hands clenched in to tight fists, resting on the top of your thighs. Keep your eyes open observing an environment. 

Do it until you feel it's time to stop. 

Do not rush, that is important experience, give it time to sink into your mind. 


Andrzej,s Qigong embrace all  physical, intellectual and emotional 

aspects of life .  



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