
Easy way to deal with situation which made you anxious!

Easy way to deal with  situation which made you   anxious!   Right in the middle of the palm there is an acupuncture point called Palace of Anxiety (to locate bend fingers and locate spot close to the corner of the nail of the middle finger ,on the side of a ring finger). Start pressing and rubbing this point with the thumb of an opposite hand .anytime when you feel uncertain what to do, anxious about outcome of your actions. I’m recommending that point to college students before and at the time of tests; specially those which require  public speaking. .   Our emotions affect  our body, body action  affects  our emotion! ............ Andrzej,s  Qigong  embrace all  physical, intellectual and emotional  aspects of life .   

Our emotions affect our body, body action affects our emotion. Simple exercise will give an answer

Our emotions affect our body,  body action affects our emotion .  Is that so? Simple exercise  will give an answer. Experience is a best teacher, please follow me with a simply exercise. Just sit in the chair, rest inner sides of your palms on the inner part of a tights, bend your head forward, drop down your shoulders . Spent a five to ten minutes in that position . Just sit. Breathe slowly and quietly and observe your emotions. Stop, if you feel overwhelmed by memories, feelings, thoughts; anything which will surface. Rest for few minutes, and once ready start the other part of our practice. This time sit upright, hands clenched in to tight fists, resting on the top of your thighs. Keep your eyes open observing an environment.  Do it until you feel it's time to stop.  Do not rush, that is important experience, give it time to sink into your mind.   ........... Andrzej,s  Qigong  embrace all  physical, intellectual and emotional  aspect...

Do you believe in Santa Claus ?

Do you believe in  Santa Claus   ?       I will tell you something    I do!     Do you believe people can be  better each to other?  I do!    Why there are not?  They do not believe they can !    For better understanding of this writing I recommend lecture of The Way of Chuang Tzu chapter “When life was full there was no history” translate by Thomas Merton ............ Andrzej,s  Qigong  embrace all  physical, intellectual and emotional aspects of life .   

Exercise works better when you understand what you do.

Let’s get back to the memories of our exercise. Exercise works better when you understand what you do.   Doing that we're able to experience two different sets of feeling.  One was inward oriented, quieting, sometime little sad and reflective, the other builds up a feeling of strength, activity, a bit of aggression.  They are definitely different; just as a day and night. And that leads as to concept of Yin and Yang.  This concept still applies to our everyday life and helps better self understanding. It proves that we have both; of them in our personalities. Sometimes we act from a Yin side; sometime we are acting and reacting from our Yang side.  So, the question reminds which choice is right.  That  gets to us to another challenge "H|ow  would I can know what is the right choice?  I'll answer-  I as  long as your action follow natural emotions flow, every choice is the right. We will continue, that would be to...
  .   Cold and snow, ice, and gray skies.  Storms come whenever you have something interesting to do outside. Skipped appointments, and out-of-whack work schedules. The beauty of the WINTER season. This a great chance to notice that nature is calling us to slow down, stay warm, spare life energy, and  enjoy the season. A big part of our life energy is busy maintaining body temperature and immunity  to keep us well. No wonder, another part of the winter experience is a lack of energy. What to do about it? Well, stay warm and comfortable.  Gather your family around the fireplace and  spend good day together. Appreciate how smart and grown the kids are. When was the last day home  in  your busy schedule? Eat food which makes you energizing, I believe every one of us now  how to create  and appreciate  comfort . Due to the lower level of life energy, personal" winter demons " easily emerge. Feelings of loneliness,  isolation, ...

Art of knocking a door.....

For how long I will  knock the door before  I would finally understand  the door will not answer. you might say i'm pig-headded, but I would say I'm resilient.  Tomato tomato...   ................. Andrzej,s  Qigong  embrace all  physical, intellectual and emotional aspects of life .   

Poor poets society - HAPPINESS IS....

Happiness is easy.     J UST leave me alone and  enjoy life on your own. And if you want to be happy  Just be happy ! "Letter to my sweetheart''  ................. Andrzej,s  Qigong  embrace all : physical, intellectual and emotional aspects of life .   


            WHERE  ALL THESE   POETS   ARE ?                HOW THEY MAKE LIVING   UNDER RULING OF               "KING   PROFIT'   FIRST   AND  "QUEEN EFFECTIVENESS  ''                           Nov 6 24 , day after election .                                          ................ Andrzejs Qigong   embrace all : physical, intellectual and emotional aspects of life . 

Dictionary of strange words - Love

Love    Love is what you can make it like.  It is how you are.  Angry love when you are carrying anger in you. Possessive if possessiveness is dominating your life style.  So is when you are dominating person. Should the love follow your internal patterns? Or it has its own independent ways? ANDRZEJ'S QIGONG

Dictionary of strange words: who oversees my poetry.?

Who is in charge? I have just typed some words  Straight from my open heart. Computer software said:  Consider revising. Does it have a heart?    ANDRZEJ'S QIGONG