
Showing posts from June, 2021

Our Journey to Recovery

. Anything is possible. Just never give up.  At the beginning of the sickness, I couldn't talk at all. That does improve. I was able to say a single word over the phone. I don't know how many people can understand what I was saying, yet that was my first success, all I have that day. Still, writing or typing has been impossible. Being Lucky, I could understand what people were writing, but the only way to answer was by phone. It was a very annoying and challenging situation. I have lost a lot of words and the ability to understand and write proper English. Luckily, technology rescues me. I have learned about the dictation function in my computer and started an experiment. First, I to do microphone, the software I've been trying to understand what I'm saying. Between my not clear pronunciation and missing many words, it took longer to learn and produce the first quarter of a page.  I couldn't remember and understand the rules of the writing, have to find another solu...

Everything is a mind. And the mind is everything.

E very sickness is heart sickness.  It is it wonderfully yesterday explain in Chinese medicine. Chinese understand that the heart is Governor ruling the whole country. It has to maintain Balance and Harmony between subjects. Because of that, everywhere Single-cell gets proper supply, every emotional turmoil and confusion fixed. Life Energy flows smoothly, and in abundance, everybody works together to achieve a common goal - happy and healthy Life. Integrate. You may say that utopia, and I'm a pipe dreamer. Nothing wrong with that. I will genuinely appreciate leaving under my heart governing; genuinely appreciate I hope you too.   No Governor can rule without ministers, a communication and supplying system. In our body, we have 12 meridians which serve to such that functions. They watch body organs, regulate Energy flow. The heart is listening and watching send necessary adjustment by meridians and farther into organs. As you have noticed, there is no difference between physica...

Everything is a mind. And the mind is everything.

 Time before times. At the beginning of time, life was but everlasting happiness, and being happy was so simple. Almost as big as a Sun is, a huge ball of happiness had been always visible in the blue sky. Shining and radiating joy on everyone. All you do you just look at it and internal joy will arise the same way as skin is getting tan when exposed to the Sun.  As we are all complainers, one day somebody said: I went out to joy myself, yet a cloud had overshadowed the sky for whole 3 minutes. Then some other person followed, then some other find another reason to complain. And so, and so.  What they did not know was that ever complain will cause a little scratch in Ball of the Joy. Repeated they would accumulate and cause cracks and gaps.  And our complaints were coming and coming.  One day, the Ball has cracked and shattered into billions of tiny little pieces.  Now, they are all over the earth, still here for us. Yet since that day, we have put in lots ...

Our journey to recovery

Hello there. My name is ANDRE, and I'm a stroke survivor and I have written do you,  another survivor.  At the beginning of January 2020 disaster happens. I had been very lucky, help come very quick, Doctor make an excellent work any new era of life my life begun.  A year later, I can do a lot of things, yet there is still room for improvement. My speech is not clear, I have difficulty understanding talking and often I don't understand people talking    Can't remember numbers, can't remember how to call on the phone. I can't remember my street address. Cannot type on the computer, and hand-writing is highly challenging. Walking is still slow and not steady strange pain of my legs and arm he's coming and going. But this is my story, but I would like to hear yours.  I am writing because I would to meet you, share our story, our unique experience, learn and support each other. Or simply sometimes have spoken with somebody. I would love to share yet another tho...

Easy Solutions by Andrzej(Andr'e)

   Nature does not have limits! Easy Solutions for everyday health issues! I'm starting my blogging, and I think that is the right moment to introduce myself. For over a quarter of a century, I've studied Chinese ways of healing and health-preserving. Chinese tradition is reaching our back over 2000 years, and I believe in Learning from Master's. Finally, I incorporate Chinese Qi Gong, Japanese Shiatsu, Zen Meditation, and elements of martial arts in my practice. I name it Easy Solutions  as my goal is to introduce a bigger spectrum of ways of sickness prevention and preserve health for those who don't have much time for extended study. Sort of" learn today practice tomorrow" has become my mantra. From stiļ¬€ neck to the sore lower back, over overthinking and worry too much many health alinements good to approach that way-many of them could be approach and improve which natural ways. And there are easy to learn and applied.  Line of articles, lectures, the demon...