Our Journey to Recovery
. Anything is possible. Just never give up. At the beginning of the sickness, I couldn't talk at all. That does improve. I was able to say a single word over the phone. I don't know how many people can understand what I was saying, yet that was my first success, all I have that day. Still, writing or typing has been impossible. Being Lucky, I could understand what people were writing, but the only way to answer was by phone. It was a very annoying and challenging situation. I have lost a lot of words and the ability to understand and write proper English. Luckily, technology rescues me. I have learned about the dictation function in my computer and started an experiment. First, I to do microphone, the software I've been trying to understand what I'm saying. Between my not clear pronunciation and missing many words, it took longer to learn and produce the first quarter of a page. I couldn't remember and understand the rules of the writing, have to find another solu...